NY Muskies Inc. Tournament Schedule

New York Muskies Inc. Chapter 69 invites you to participate in any or all of our fun, tournaments that help support the Fisheries and Research our club strives towards! Open to members of all ages, our tournaments often times have dedicated youth prizes as well. Youth members under the age of 16 years old can participate for free.

Chapter 69

YOUTH Notice > Those under 16 years old can participate in tournaments for free.

After careful consideration and ensuring a level playing field. Starting with the 2025 tournament season NY MUSKIES INC Chapter 69 will prohibit the use of (FFS) real-time imaging units, including Mega Live Imaging, LiveScope or ActiveTarget. Anglers will be required to disconnect all FFS units during tournament hours, Or remove for event.
Our decision was neither easy or made quickly we are committed to upholding tradition and the integrity of Muskie Fishing.
Anglers can still use traditional 2D sonar, downscan or sidescan.
Most all Region Three Chapters have followed suit on FFS. We will continue to support catch and release and fair chase when it comes to Muskie Fishing.

07-JUN-2025 | WANETA Lake (Pure) Tournament

21/22-JUN-2025 | CHAUTAUQUA Lake (Pure) Tournament
Entry fee includes event T-Shirt.

Good Luck and Please Respect Each Other on the Water! We are all here to have fun.