Muskies Inc. Chapter 69 | New York State
Muskies Inc. Chapter 69 (New York) is dedicated to advancing conservation through youth outreach, improving fisheries, and promoting scientific research.
We exist to further the purposes of Muskies, Inc. which are to:
- Support selected conservation practices based on scientific merit as carried out by authorized Federal and state agencies;
- Promote muskellunge research, establishment of hatcheries and introduction of the species into suitable waters;
- Support the abatement of water pollution;
- Provide a library facility for scientific and popular muskellunge literature, and to maintain records of habits, growth and range of the species;
- Disseminate muskellunge information and, as an insubstantial part of our activities,
- Promote a high-quality muskellunge sport fishery.
Muskies, Inc. has expanded to over 5,000 Members and 50 independent local chapters throughout the country. We have become a national voice of the protection of the Muskie species. Muskies, Inc. is widely recognized as the first organized group of anglers to espouse the “Catch And Release” practice now embraced by many conservation minded groups throughout North America. Today Muskies, Inc. focuses on three critical areas: Youth, Fisheries, and Research.
FISHERIES – Our chapter works to conserve, protect and restore New York’s Muskie fisheries. Areas of concern include habitat preservation, water quality, water management policies, and the development/maintaining of self-sustaining fish populations.
RESEARCH – Our chapter supports Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) projects and activities that involve improving Muskie fisheries.
YOUTH – Our chapter seeks to provide quality programs and activities to educate our young members and, where possible, youth in general to ensure the future of the fishery and continuation of sound conservation practices.
Musky Who?
The muskellunge (Esox masquinongy), also known as muskelunge, muscallonge, milliganong, or maskinonge (and often abbreviated “muskie” or “musky“), is a species of large, relatively uncommon freshwater fish native to North America. The muskellunge is the largest member of the pike family, Esocidae. The common name comes from the Ojibwa word maashkinoozhe, meaning “ugly pike”, by way of French masque allongé (modified from the Ojibwa word by folk etymology), “elongated face.” The French common name is masquinongé or maskinongé (source: Wikipedia)
Muskellunge, or “muskies,” are the largest freshwater sportfish in New York State and are considered the ultimate trophy by anglers who pursue them. Their legendary ability to challenge and confound the angler, their massive size potential, and their well-earned status as top predators, have often inspired anglers to forsake other fish for a chance to encounter the “fish of 10,000 casts.”
Muskellunge are the largest members of the pike family, Esocidae, which also includes northern pike, chain pickerel, redfin pickerel and grass pickerel-all native to New York State. When muskellunge and northern pike interbreed, they produce a sterile hybrid cross called a tiger muskellunge. Tiger muskellunge are sometimes produced naturally in waters where both species reside, but they are also reared in hatcheries and stocked as a popular sportfish.
Muskellunge inhabit cool water lakes and large river systems in eastern and north-central North America. They spawn in the spring in water temperatures around 50-60° F in shallow water, typically along lake and river shorelines. Muskellunge grow rapidly, attaining 10-12 inches in length by their first winter, and are around 30 inches long by age 4. Most muskies are reproductively mature by age 6, when they average 34 inches long, with females typically larger than males. Muskies can grow to enormous proportions, sometimes reaching 50 pounds or more. The state record muskellunge tipped the scales at 69 lbs., 15 oz!
2025 EVENTS | Come Join Us
Those under 16 years old can participate in tournaments for free.
After careful consideration and ensuring a level playing field. Starting with the 2025 tournament season NY MUSKIES INC Chapter 69 will prohibit the use of (FFS) real-time imaging units, including Mega Live Imaging, LiveScope or ActiveTarget. Anglers will be required to disconnect all FFS units during tournament hours, Or remove for event.
Our decision was neither easy or made quickly we are committed to upholding tradition and the integrity of Muskie Fishing.
Anglers can still use traditional 2D sonar, downscan or sidescan.
Most all Region Three Chapters have followed suit on FFS. We will continue to support catch and release and fair chase when it comes to Muskie Fishing.
07-JUN-2025 | WANETA Lake (Pure) Tournament
21/22-JUN-2025 | CHAUTAUQUA Lake (Pure) Tournament
Entry fee includes event T-Shirt.
Statewide (Inland Waters)
Opening Day: June 1
Closing Day: November 30
Size Limit: 40-inch minimum size limit, and a daily possession limit of 1.
They are intended to bring regulatory consistency to all inland muskie waters, provide more spring fishing opportunities after the spawning period, and require that more muskies are returned to their respective fisheries, which will allow them to grow to more desirable sizes and give them additional years to spawn.
2025 Musky Opening Day Inland Lakes NYS
Great Lakes, Niagara River, St. Lawrence River
Opening Day: June 15
Closing Day: December 15
Size Limit: 54-inch minimum size limit, and a daily possession limit of 1.
2025 Musky Opening Day Great Lakes, Niagara River, St. Lawrence River
Supporting Links
Be sure to visit the links below for more information on musky fishing and to explore some of those who support our cause.
If you would like to see additional links added to this section, please let us know. We will be happy to review the suggested link with the board for inclusion.
Musky Topics
Educational Resources > Today's HOT Musky Topics from around New York State brought to directly by Lake Ontario United
- Musky baits for saleon November 23, 2024 at 9:00 pm
- Conesus Tiger! 10-5-24on October 8, 2024 at 4:22 pm
- How are Waneta Lake weeds this yearon September 6, 2024 at 6:36 pm
- Lake O. - Open Water Pike?on August 14, 2024 at 6:09 pm
- Spinning rod for pike and muskyon June 29, 2024 at 4:12 am